Ralph Felix (NL), a multifaceted creative hailing from Amsterdam, has made a triumphant return to the music scene. Known for his work as a musician, producer, creative director and photographer, Ralph’s artistry knows no bounds. His come back release release, “Life After Love,” being played on high rotation last summer on Sirius XM, marks a new era for Ralph as he co-founds the Disco House label LESIXTYNINE MUSIQUE. Recently releasing a brand new single on the imprint with vocalist Noa Milee well known for her work on “FlyAway” with Oden & Fatzo out on Defected Records. Ralph’s latest releases have received solid support from Spotify’s Editorial team on playlist’s such as, Poolside Disco, House Supreme and DISCOLAND.

Ralph spent three years living in New York City, soaking up diverse inspirations that have enriched his creative palette. During a subsequent three-year hiatus, he developed his creative agency LAPISCINE and collaborated with prestigious brands like W Hotels andIWC. Ralph reenters the music world with a renewed vision. His refined musical direction seamlessly integrates his diverse creative talents with a French style inspired by the 60sand 70s, imbuing his work with a distinctive aesthetic and sonic identity.

Ralph’s journey through the music industry has been nothing short of extraordinary. He has shared stages and collaborated with Swedish House Mafia under his previous moniker NEW_ID and amassed over 45 million streams for his hit track “The Heat (I Wanna DanceWith Somebody).” Now, with his signature blend of Disco Electronic Beats and purely dedicated House Music, Ralph Felix is poised to redefine electronic music once again. His return heralds a fresh, innovative perspective on the genre, setting the stage for an exhilarating new chapter in his illustrious career for 2025. If you haven’t already check out his intimate soirée for LESIXTYNINE MUSIQUE here.


Marc Zwart